How I wound up with four (yes, count ’em!), four cats
For as long as I can remember, I have always had a deep-rooted love for animals especially for cats. When I was 3 years old, my mother had brought home a tiny black and white [...]
For as long as I can remember, I have always had a deep-rooted love for animals especially for cats. When I was 3 years old, my mother had brought home a tiny black and white [...]
Basics about Bengals: Bengals are one of the most sought after pedigree breed among cat owners. They are most well known for their beautiful markings, and either have spots or rosettes like a leopard, or [...]
I recently took my kitties in to the vet for their annual checkup, where we discovered that Kona, whom we’ve always known was a pretty big guy, is verging on obese. He weighs a solid [...]
Here is the story on how I came to have the two most adorable orange and white kitties ever! Ok. I am a bit biased but what can I say? Shaggy was originally one of [...]
The story of how cats took over my life... and I loved it! Ever since I can remember, I have been an animal fanatic, with a particular passion for all things furry! Throughout my life [...]
The whole term "diabetes" may make the average cat owner cringe - the images of needles that conjure up in their mind make people uncomfortable, nervous and upset. I often tell people I have a [...]
Most people are not fond of cutting their kitties nails, or tend to forget about doing it all together! But, clipping those claws is important and should be done approximately once a month, depending on [...]
I’m sure everyone has had the pleasure of seeing a cat and their characteristically hilarious reactions to catnip before! But, did you ever wonder what exactly catnip is, or how it works? Catnip, or Catmint [...]
Any time kids are out of school, volume at boarding facilities sky rocket (July, August, march break and Christmas holidays). When numbers go up at a boarding facility, that means a couple of things, including [...]
It is estimated that cats have been domesticated from as early on as 9500 years ago. You’d think that after nearly ten centuries with our furry friends by our sides, that we’d have them [...]