The whole term “diabetes” may make the average cat owner cringe – the images of needles that conjure up in their mind make people uncomfortable, nervous and upset. I often tell people I have a diabetic cat…”I have never heard of one?!” I often hear. People look at me like I have 2 heads and at least one of them need to be examined. I am here to tell you not to despair! A feline diabetic is quite manageable in any average household like mine.
Diabetes is a condition that occurs when the body does not create enough insulin. Insulin regulates blood sugar levels. When insulin is lacking, the glucose increases and throws the kitty’s system out of whack. The signs that your kitty may be diabetic include increased urination, thirst, appetite and weight loss.
The initial stabilizing and measuring the right amount of insulin for your sweetie is a bit of a process. You do have to be committed and it is trying at first when you have to measure blood levels by doing a curve (a gentle prick of the ear) and blood is measured. This is the toughest part BUT remember – its temporary!!!
I am not a “big fan” of needles but it really is amazing how quickly a needle becomes as commonplace as a tin of cat food. Often there may be an initial “what the heck are you doing?” reaction and eventually your kitty will recognize how much better they feel after they have their injection. Soon they view the needle as just part of the everyday routine. Ideally insulin injections are 12 hours apart twice a day. In our home, my cat Shaggy has his insulin anywhere between 10 – 12 hours apart and has been just fine! Life gets in the way – you know?! My eight year old daughter gives Shaggy his morning insulin daily – see folks…manageable!
It is not unheard of for kitties to actually become non insulin dependent after they are stabilized and have their proper nutritional needs met. Diabetic cats should be fed a diet high in protein and low in starch. An overweight diabetic cat that sheds allot of their weight may resolve their diabetes simply by weight loss! Diet alone has stabilized some kitties as well. Yes!!! this means no more insulin and needles for you and your kitty.
Shaggy is 17 years old now and he was just playing with the Halloween decorations this morning. Is he worth this little bit of extra effort? Heck…yes!!!
Cats Castle Cat Hotel is a cat boarding that specializes in both short term and long term cat boarding. Our cattery provides a luxurious alternative to pet sitting. Our facility is located in Oakville Ontario, just minutes off of the QEW. Our customers come from all over Toronto and the GTA, Milton, Hamilton, Mississauga, Burlington and more!